
Sunday 11 October 2015

                              Challenges for good.

Quite a rough day it has been as it happened for the past few weeks but thankful to god as it was at least not to the extend of  tough days when soldier come from the battle field.

Yesterday, today and tomorrow for almost a week or two has been quite a tough time , I would rather prefer saying things that are out of my control has completely rule over me making me sick and sad, but as always I stand tall to fight back just hoping the very next day to be a beautiful morning , as life has totally unpredictable way of treating people where “ even in the worst time, we are still full of blessing”  and even when we are in good times, bad lucks comes unpredictably, such a life is, ‘unpredictable’.

 Most of the time, many of us are blindfold to treat the days same as it has resulted;  worst in worst ways,  good in good ways,  sad in sad ways  where we get little carried away with all those that happened forgetting what will come next, such is the worst kind of human mind so much conditioned like Pavlov dog.

Yesterday- was again more one more sleepless night in row sandwiched in those rough days. I ain’t sure why I even can’t sleep even if I want to sleep and moreover I wasted all of my time since morning  completely doing nothing . You know, I planned to write some articles but my thoughts were drained out,  I thought of going through books, but my energy was zero, I thought of washing my clothes but I was too lazy as always and I was just fucked up.

Sleepless, fucked up and nothing to do,  just like everyone I was back again to my sony experia phone, like everybody in this modern time who gets to their mobile phone like they have to feed always.  By then trying to make myself feel good, I was browsing over some pharmaceutical research articles, some journals, and yeah going through few among million Instagram photos  and out of nowhere I was back again to ‘Facebook and we-chat’ like everyone,  the most visited site of the time that everyone does when ever they have nothing to do and yeah suddenly I landed chatting with one of my closest person who was also going through the similar condition.

Following our conversation about so many stuffs, I didn’t know how time passed, but it was already morning, when I only could realize upon hearing the those loud call of early morning prayers and yeah we decided to sleep. It was 5 am in the early morning, the dawn was yet to break, I adjust myself to sleep with thought-‘ at least I have to wake up early even if I don’t do anything’ but again for couple of minutes, I wasted my time trying sleeping. I was just wondering where my sleep fled until morning light find me through.

It was Saturday, and don’t ask me how was your day?  I didn’t know how It passed, I didn’t even see the sunlight and I knew that was a complete waste of time and I was totally pissed of myself running and ruining all my times.  I was hungry, I was lazy, I was pissed off, I was sick and I am sad, I didn’t know what the fuck I am going to do, it was already night, the time when it come again for sleep.
Later after 5 minutes subduing my laziness, I picked up those dirty bowls, curry cooker, plates and went to tap to wash and prepare food to at least to fill up my empty stomach and rest to leave on its own;  with thought ‘what ever happen will happen and is destined’. And there I was in bath room about to wash, filling up buckets with water, rinsing plates and suddenly when I pick up the dish-washer(pril) I found myself with the ‘morning purifying face-wash ‘ on my hand, breaking up myself into soft laughter. The very time, I didn’t know how my thoughts suddenly clean up and started feeling fresh, but I thought, god at least want us to smile no matter what and there is always a reason in this world for everything to accept.

At last, i recovered everything with smile and was good start to October days ending troublesome September :) .



  1. Sometimes, we all happen to be victimized by laziness and the so called "mood off". I just blame the time because after some moments everything goes back to normal. So its very natural. I enjoyed going through your writing. Good wishes!!

    1. Yeah i don't know when this laziness is gonna leave me, :) anyway thanks for visiting and going through. Same wishes sis. Have a good time. take care

  2. Hahaha... Your dishes need some purifying wash too ha? Well, sorry to hear your f@#k up time that you've been through lately. Sometimes it happened to me when at the end of the day, I realized that my time had gone wasted uncontrollably. But now things get better. I jotted down what I've done at what time for what purpose and looked for a better tomorrow to fill my precious time in life with better purposes in life. Now I feel that my time is never enough!!! Good luck to you! Hope you can stand up again and fill your days with purposes! Take care la! ^^

    1. Yeah ma'am, lately ma dirty pots started even asking the need of purifying wash .hahahha. Well, i guess then it's not only me in this world who land up wasting time sometime's :). thanks for wishes and yeah hope you're doing fine back their at home. regards to you and your family la.
